cynosure man page on Solaris

Printed from

XScreenSaver(1)						       XScreenSaver(1)

       cynosure - gentle overlapping squares screen saver.

       cynosure	 [-display  host:display.screen]  [-visual  visual]  [-window]
       [-root] [-delay number] [-ncolors number] [-iterations number]

       A hack similar to `greynetic', but less frenetic. The first implementa‐
       tion was by Stephen Linhart; then Ozymandias G. Desiderata wrote a Java
       applet clone. That clone was discovered by Jamie Zawinski,  and	ported
       to C for inclusion here.

       -visual visual
	       Specify	which  visual  to use.	Legal values are the name of a
	       visual class, or the id number (decimal or hex) of  a  specific

       -window Draw on a newly-created window.	This is the default.

       -root   Draw on the root window.

       -delay number
	       Per-frame  delay,  in microseconds.  Default: 500000 (0.50 sec‐

       -ncolors number
	       Number of Colors.  Default: 128.

       -iterations number
	       Duration.  2 - 200.  Default: 100.

       DISPLAY to get the default host and display number.

	       to get the name of a resource file that	overrides  the	global
	       resources stored in the RESOURCE_MANAGER property.

       X(1), xscreensaver(1)

       Copyright  ©  2002  by  Stephen	Linhart, Ozymandias G. Desiderata, and
       Jamie Zawinski.	Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and  sell
       this  software  and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted
       without fee, provided that the above copyright  notice  appear  in  all
       copies  and  that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
       appear in supporting documentation.  No representations are made	 about
       the  suitability	 of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as
       is" without express or implied warranty.

       Stephen Linhart, Ozymandias G. Desiderata, and Jamie Zawinski.

X Version 11						       XScreenSaver(1)

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