EXECUTE man page on Solaris

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EXECUTE()			 SQL Commands			     EXECUTE()

       EXECUTE - execute a prepared statement

       EXECUTE plan_name [ (parameter [, ...] ) ]

       EXECUTE	is used to execute a previously prepared statement. Since pre‐
       pared statements only exist for the duration of a session, the prepared
       statement  must	have been created by a PREPARE statement executed ear‐
       lier in the current session.

       If the PREPARE statement that  created  the  statement  specified  some
       parameters,  a  compatible set of parameters must be passed to the EXE‐
       CUTE statement, or else an error is raised.  Note  that	(unlike	 func‐
       tions) prepared statements are not overloaded based on the type or num‐
       ber of their parameters; the name  of  a	 prepared  statement  must  be
       unique within a database session.

       For  more information on the creation and usage of prepared statements,
       see PREPARE [prepare(5)].

	      The name of the prepared statement to execute.

	      The actual value of a parameter to the prepared statement.  This
	      must be an expression yielding a value of a type compatible with
	      the data type specified for this parameter position in the  PRE‐
	      PARE command that created the prepared statement.

       The  command tag returned by EXECUTE is that of the prepared statement,
       and not EXECUTE.

       Examples are given in the Examples [prepare(5)] section of the  PREPARE
       [prepare(l)] documentation.

       The  SQL standard includes an EXECUTE statement, but it is only for use
       in embedded SQL. This version of the  EXECUTE  statement	 also  uses  a
       somewhat different syntax.

       DEALLOCATE [deallocate(5)], PREPARE [prepare(l)]

SQL - Language Statements	  2009-12-09			     EXECUTE()

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