dropDB man page on Solaris

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DROPDB(1)		PostgreSQL Client Applications		     DROPDB(1)

       dropdb - remove a PostgreSQL database

       dropdb [ option... ]  dbname

       dropdb destroys an existing PostgreSQL database.	 The user who executes
       this command must be a database superuser or the owner of the database.

       dropdb is a wrapper around the SQL command  DROP	 DATABASE  [drop_data‐
       base(5)].   There is no effective difference between dropping databases
       via this utility and via other methods for accessing the server.

       dropdb accepts the following command-line arguments:

       dbname Specifies the name of the database to be removed.


       --echo Echo the commands that dropdb generates and sends to the server.


	      Issues a verification prompt before doing anything destructive.


	      Do not display a response.

       dropdb also accepts the following command-line arguments for connection

       -h host

       --host host
	      Specifies	 the  host  name of the machine on which the server is
	      running. If the value begins with a slash, it  is	 used  as  the
	      directory for the Unix domain socket.

       -p port

       --port port
	      Specifies	 the  TCP port or local Unix domain socket file exten‐
	      sion on which the server is listening for connections.

       -U username

       --username username
	      User name to connect as


	      Force password prompt.



       PGUSER Default connection parameters

       In case of difficulty, see DROP DATABASE [drop_database(5)] and psql(1)
       for discussions of potential problems and error messages.  The database
       server must be running at the targeted host. Also, any default  connec‐
       tion  settings  and  environment	 variables used by the libpq front-end
       library will apply.

       To destroy the database demo on the default database server:

       $ dropdb demo

       To destroy the database demo using the server on host eden, port	 5000,
       with verification and a peek at the underlying command:

       $ dropdb -p 5000 -h eden -i -e demo
       Database "demo" will be permanently deleted.
       Are you sure? (y/n) y
       DROP DATABASE "demo"

       createdb(1),  DROP  DATABASE  [drop_database(5)], Environment Variables
       (the documentation)

Application			  2009-12-09			     DROPDB(1)

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