
ldd -- list dynamic dependencies


ldd [-d | -r] file


The ldd command lists the path names of all shared objects that would be loaded as a result of executing file. If file is a valid executable but does not require any shared objects, ldd will succeed, producing no output.

ldd may also be used to check the compatibility of file with the shared objects it uses. It does this by optionally printing warnings for any unresolved symbol references that would occur if file were executed. Two options govern this mode of ldd:

Causes ldd to check all references to data objects.

Causes ldd to check references to both data objects and functions.
Only one of the above options may be given during any single invocation of ldd.


cc(1), dlopen(3C), ld(1)


ldd prints its record of shared object pathnames to stdout. The optional list of symbol resolution problems are printed to stderr. If file is not an executable file or cannot be opened for reading, a non-zero exit status is returned.


ldd does not list shared objects explicitly attached via dlopen(3C).

ldd uses the same algorithm as the dynamic linker to locate shared objects.

© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004