
cddrec -- read CD-ROM Directory Record


cddrec [-s number] [-b] file


cddrec lists the contents of the directory record for a CD-ROM file or directory.

cddrec produces a table that lists the names of the fields in the Directory Record and their values. If the -b option is not used, the System Use field is not listed because it may contain non-printable characters.

Command options

File or directory within the CD-ROM file system.

-s number
File Section for which the Directory Record should be read. The numbering starts with one. If this option is omitted, the last File Section of that file is assumed.

Lists the contents of the Directory Record, including the System Use Field, in binary format.

Environment variables

If LC_TIME (which determines the format and contents of the date and time strings) is not set or is set to the empty string, then cddrec uses the value of LANG. If LANG is not set, or is set to the empty string, cddrec uses the value from the implementation-specific default locale. If both LC_TIME and LANG contain invalid settings, cddrec behaves as if all of the variables are undefined.

Exit codes

Successful completion

file not found, file is not within the CD-ROM file hierarchy, or access permission is denied.

File Section indicated by -s does not exist.


cd_drec(3X), environ(5)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004