
dslpprinter -- assign alias to print queue Distinguished Name


dslpprinter [-l location-dn] [-o object-dn] -a alias-name print-queue-dn

dslpprinter -x [-o object-dn] -a aliasname

dslpprinter [-l location-dn] [-o object-dn] -d print-queue-dn

dslpprinter -x -d [-o object-dn]

dslpprinter [-o object-dn] -D print-queue-dn

dslpprinter -x -D [-o object-dn]


The dslpprinter utility is used, by either an administrator or a directory-enabled UNIX user, to assign an alias to a print queue DN. It can also be used to set up default printers for a user, either at a location that is specific to the current directory context, or as an ``anywhere'' default. A default, set for the user's current directory context location, always takes precedence over the ``anywhere'' default. A print queue's alias name can be used instead of its real name.

The print-queue-dn argument is the print queue DN to use for this alias name or default print queue.

The user of this utility must be directory-enabled and have permissions set for write, modify, search and read on the directory object that is being modified.


The following command line options are supported:

-l location-dn
A DN that specifies the location, in terms of directory context DN, for which the alias name is valid. It defaults to the current directory context.

-o object-dn
A DN that specifies the user or container object to which the alias is to be added. Defaults to the current login user.

-a alias-name
The alias name to be allocated to the specified print queue.

Remove the alias name or default print queues from the object.

Set the specified print queue as the default for this location.

Set the default print queue for location ``anywhere''.

Exit codes

On success, dslpprinter returns 0, otherwise one of the following exit codes is returned:

invalid options

an invalid DN was specified

specified print queue is unknown

specified location is unknown

specified object (user or container) is unknown

specified alias is unknown (on remove)

user is not allowed to change this object

specified alias name is not unique

unable to contact the directory service

other error


To add an alias for a print queue to the current directory-enabled user:

dslpprinter -a printer1 queuename=hplj,ou=mygroup,o=sco

To set a default print queue for the current user:

dslpprinter -D queuename=hpcolor,ou=hr,o=sco


dslpaccept(1M), dslpaccess(1M), dslpadmin(1M), dslpenable(1M), dslpprotocol(1M), dslpsearch(1)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004