
fsdb_s5 -- s5 filesystem debugger


fsdb [-F s5] [generic_options] [-z i-number] special [-]


generic_options are options supported by the generic fsdb command.

fsdb can be used to patch up a damaged s5 filesystem after a crash. special is a special device used to indicate the filesystem to be debugged. It has conversions to translate block and i-numbers into their corresponding disk addresses. Also included are mnemonic offsets to access different parts of an i-node. These greatly simplify the process of correcting control block entries or descending the filesystem tree.

fsdb contains several error-checking routines to verify i-node and block addresses. These can be disabled if necessary by invoking fsdb with the optional - argument or by the use of the ``O'' symbol. (fsdb reads the i-size and f-size entries from the superblock of the filesystem as the basis for these checks.)

The options are:

-F s5
Specify the s5 FSType. If -F s5 is not specified heuristics similiar to those used by fstyp(1M) are used to determine the file system type.

NOTE: This command executes faster if it is not required to autodetect file system types. If possible, specify -F s5.

-z i-number
Clear the i-node identified by i-number. Non-interactive.
Numbers are considered decimal by default. Octal numbers must be prefixed with a zero. During any assignment operation, numbers are checked for a possible truncation error due to a size mismatch between source and destination.

fsdb reads a block at a time and will therefore work with raw as well as block I/O. A buffer management routine is used to retain commonly used blocks of data in order to reduce the number of read system calls. All assignment operations result in an immediate write-through of the corresponding block.

The symbols recognized by fsdb are:

absolute address

convert from i-number to i-node address

convert to block address

directory slot offset


address arithmetic



save, restore an address

numerical assignment

incremental assignment

decremental assignment

character string assignment

error checking flip flop

general print facilities

file print facility

byte mode

word mode

double word mode

escape to shell
The print facilities generate a formatted output in various styles. The current address is normalized to an appropriate boundary before printing begins. It advances with the printing and is left at the address of the last item printed. The output can be terminated at any time by typing the delete character. If a number follows the ``p'' symbol, that many entries are printed. A check is made to detect block boundary overflows since logically sequential blocks are generally not physically sequential. If a count of zero is used, all entries to the end of the current block are printed. The print options available are:

print as i-nodes

print as directories

print as octal words

print as decimal words

print as characters

print as octal bytes
The ``f'' symbol is used to print data blocks associated with the current i-node. If followed by a number, that block of the file is printed. (Blocks are numbered from zero.) The desired print option letter follows the block number, if present, or the ``f'' symbol. This print facility works for small as well as large files. It checks for special devices and that the block pointers used to find the data are not zero.

Dots, tabs, and spaces may be used as function delimiters but are not necessary. A line with just a new-line character will increment the current address by the size of the data type last printed. That is, the address is set to the next byte, word, double word, directory entry or i-node, allowing the user to step through a region of a filesystem. Information is printed in a format appropriate to the data type. Bytes, words and double words are displayed with the octal address followed by the value in octal and decimal. A ``.B'' or ``.D'' is appended to the address for byte and double word values, respectively. Directories are printed as a directory slot offset followed by the decimal i-number and the character representation of the entry name. I-nodes are printed with labeled fields describing each element.

The following mnemonics are used for i-node examination and refer to the current working i-node:


link count

user ID number

group ID number

file size

a #
data block numbers (0 - 12)

access time

modification time

major device number

minor device number


prints i-number 386 in an i-node format. This now becomes the current working i-node.

changes the link count for the working i-node to 4.

increments the link count by 1.

prints, in ASCII, block zero of the file associated with the working i-node.

prints the first 32 directory entries for the root i-node of this filesystem.

changes the current i-node to that associated with the 5th directory entry (numbered from zero) found from the above command. The first logical block of the file is then printed in ASCII.

prints the superblock of this filesystem in octal.

changes the i-number for the seventh directory slot in the root directory to 3. This example also shows how several operations can be combined on one command line.

changes the name field in the directory slot to the given string. Quotes are optional when used with nm if the first character is alphabetic.

prints the third block of the current i-node as directory entries.


dir_s5(4), fs_s5(4), fsck_s5(1M), generic fsck(1M), generic fsdb(1M), fstyp(1M)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004