
memsize -- report memory size


/sbin/memsize [-adgptul -f [N][.n][kmgp]]

/sbin/memsize [-f [N][.n][kmgp]] dumpfile


The memsize command reports memory size in bytes. If multiple options are specified, they are reported in space-separated fields. If dumpfile is given as an operand, memsize reports the dump's size. The -a, -d, -g, -l, -t, and -u options cannot be used on a dump file.


memsize takes the following options:

Report values for all types of memory, with labels.

-f [N][.n][kmgp]
Although all three arguments are optional, you must supply at least one for the -f option to be meaningful. Values are reported in the number of units specified (1 is the default), and N can be any arbitrary integer. You can specify precision by including a decimal point followed by the n number of digits of floating point precision. By default, memory size is reported in bytes, but you can use an optional, case-insensitive scale tag to report




pages, given the current page size.

Note that all integer divisions are rounded up. For example, memsize -fg reports ``1'' if your system has <= 1GB, and reports ``2'' if your system has >1GB and <= 2GB. Floating-point divisions (triggered by a .prec) are conventionally rounded, so a command like -f1000.1g returns ``0.0''). The -f option is very flexible but, in practice, there are only a few useful cases. In particular, dumpcheck and dumpsave use memsize -f512 to get 32-bit results that can be used for dd block sizes.

Report dedicated memory.

Report general memory.

Report portion of memory (with page identity) that can be used to cache file data.

Report total memory.

Report usable memory. This is the default.

Print a label following the value.


To report usable memory size in pages execute:
   # /sbin/memsize -fp
To report general memory size in megabytes with 2 digits of floating point precision execute:
   # /sbin/memsize -g -f.2m

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004