
pppdetach -- close a Point-to-Point Protocol bundle


pppdetach -a bundle
pppdetach [ -v ] [ -p period ] [ -t timeout ] bundle


pppdetach closes a PPP bundle by passing the name of the bundle to the PPP daemon, pppd(1M). (The bundle must have been previously configured using ppptalk(1M).) pppd looks up the named bundle and closes it.

In default synchronous mode, pppdetach does not return to the shell prompt until either the bundle phase is ``Dead'', or the timeout value expires.

The following options are available:

Select asynchronous mode. In this mode, pppdetach sends a detach command to pppd, and then exits without monitoring the state of the bundle.

-p period
The status of the bundle is checked every period seconds to verify if the bundle is ``Dead''. In verbose mode, the on-screen status is also updated.

-t timeout
Set the timeout value for the disconnection. The default timeout value is 120 seconds. A timeout value of 0 will cause an indefinite wait if the connection is not closed.

Turn on verbose mode. In this mode, status information for the bundle, bundle protocols and link protocols will be displayed.

Exit codes

In synchronous mode, the following exit codes can be used to diagnose problems with disconnection:

The connection was successfully detached.

Unable to detach connection because the command or its arguments are invalid.

Unable to detach connection because the bundle name is invalid.

Unable to detach connection within the specified timeout value (note that disconnection may still be in progress, even though pppattach has timed out and returned to the shell prompt).

Unable to detach connection due to an unexpected error from pppd.

Unable to detach connection due to a dialer error.

An unspecified error occurred.


pppattach(1M), ppplinkadd(1M), ppplinkdrop(1M), pppstatus(1M), ppptalk(1M)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004