
Graph, Edge, Vertex -- entities and relationships


   #include <Graph.h>
   namespace SCO_SC {

class Graph; class Vertex; class Edge; class Val_v_ticket; class Vis_e_ticket; class Val_v_ticket; class Val_e_ticket; class Graph{ public: // Constructors, destructor Graph(); ~Graph(); // Copy and assign Graph(const Graph& g); Graph& operator=(const Graph& g); // Relations int operator==(const Graph& g)const; int operator!=(const Graph& g)const; // Connectivity information const Set_of_p<Vertex>& vertices()const; const Set_of_p<Edge>& edges()const; int contains(const Vertex* v)const; int contains(const Edge* e)const; // Insert and remove Vertices and Edges int insert(Vertex* v); int insert(Edge* e); int remove(const Vertex* v); int remove(const Edge* e); // Induced Graph Graph induced_graph(const Set_of_p<Vertex>& s)const; }; class Vertex{ public: // Constructors, destructor Vertex(); ~Vertex(); // Copy and assign private: Vertex(const Vertex& v); Vertex& operator=(const Vertex& v); public: // Connectivity information Set_of_p<Graph> graphs()const; Set_of_p<Edge> edges()const; Set_of_p<Edge> edges_g(const Graph& g)const; Set_of_p<Edge> in_edges()const; Set_of_p<Edge> out_edges()const; Set_of_p<Edge> loop_edges()const; Set_of_p<Edge> in_edges_g(const Graph& g)const; Set_of_p<Edge> out_edges_g(const Graph& g)const; Set_of_p<Edge> loop_edges_g(const Graph& g)const; int in_graph(const Graph& g)const; // Traversal support for simple marking static Vis_v_ticket get_vis_v_ticket(); int set_visited(); int set_visited(const Vis_v_ticket& t); int reset_visited(); int reset_visited(const Vis_v_ticket& t); int visited(); int visited(const Vis_v_ticket& t); static void free_vis_v_ticket(Vis_v_ticket& t); // Traversal support for integer marking static Val_v_ticket get_val_v_ticket(); int val_set(int val); int val_set(const Val_v_ticket& t, int val); int val(); int val(const Val_v_ticket& t); static void free_val_v_ticket(Val_v_ticket& t); }; // Remove Vertex marks void reset_visited(Set_of_p<Vertex>& s); void reset_visited(const Vis_v_ticket& t, Set_of_p<Vertex>& s); void reset_val(Set_of_p<Vertex>& s); void reset_val(const Val_v_ticket& t, Set_of_p<Vertex>& s); class Edge{ public: // Constructors, destructor Edge(Vertex* src,Vertex* dest); ~Edge(); // Copy and assign Edge(const Edge& e); Edge& operator=(const Edge& e); // Connectivity information Vertex* src()const; Vertex* dst()const; const Set_of_p<Graph>& graphs()const; int in_graph(const Graph& g)const; // Traversal support for simple marking static Vis_e_ticket get_vis_e_ticket(); int set_visited(); int set_visited(const Vis_e_ticket& t); int reset_visited(); int reset_visited(const Vis_e_ticket& t); int visited(); int visited(const Vis_e_ticket& t); static void free_vis_e_ticket(Vis_e_ticket& t); // Traversal support for more detailed marking static Val_e_ticket get_val_e_ticket(); int val_set(int val); int val_set(const Val_e_ticket& t, int val); int val(); int val(const Val_e_ticket& t); static void free_val_e_ticket(Val_e_ticket&) t; }; // Remove Edge marks void reset_visited(Set_of_p<Edge>& s); void reset_visited(const Vis_e_ticket& t, Set_of_p<Edge>& s); void reset_val(Set_of_p<Edge>& s); void reset_val(const Val_e_ticket& t, Set_of_p<Edge>& s); // Macros needed to derive from Graph, Vertex, and Edge #define Graphdeclare1(G,V,E) ... #define derivedGraph(G,V,E) ... #define derivedVertex(G,V, E) ... #define derivedEdge(G,V,E) ... #define Graphdeclare2(G,V,E) ... Expanding Graphdeclare1(G,V,E) produces the following text: class G; class V; class E; }


Objects of class Graph can be used to maintain relationships (modeled by objects of class Edge) among entities (modeled by objects of class Vertex). The three classes can be used directly to maintain "vanilla" relationships among vanilla entities; in this case, the macros defined in the header file will not be needed, and can be safely ignored by the reader. Usually, however, the classes will be used to derive other, application-specific, classes that model a particular application domain. For example, a parcel-routing application might require the name of a city in each of its Vertices and an inter-city delivery time in each of its Edges. Macros are needed to define such derived classes.

The facilities provided are basic; they allow clients to create and inspect individual relationships, but they do not provide more complex analyses, such as determining which entities are related to one another by transitivity (using graph theory terminology, the "components" of a graph). Users with such requirements can either develop the needed facilities themselves or use the algorithms described in Graph_alg(3C++).

Internally, Graphs are implemented as collections of pointers. Adding a Vertex to a Graph stores a Vertex pointer in the Graph's private data structure; it does not make a copy of the Vertex. The same is true of Edges. Similarly, when a Vertex (or Edge) is removed from a Graph, the pointer is deleted from the Graph's private data structure, but the Vertex (or Edge) continues to exist. Allocating and managing space for Vertex and Edge objects is entirely the client's responsibility. Care must therefore be taken to avoid dangling references and the other well-known pitfalls of pointers. On the other hand, Graphs can share Vertices and Edges, which may be an advantage in some applications.

With respect to a given Vertex, three kinds of Edges can be distinguished: an out-Edge originates at the Vertex; an in-Edge terminates at the Vertex; a loop-Edge both originates and terminates at the Vertex.

The basic graph theoretic notions of "directed" and "undirected" are not built into class Graph; rather, they are properties that may be imputed to Graphs by client code, simply by choosing whether or not to treat Edge directionality as significant. Graph_alg(3C++) contains directed and undirected versions of several basic graph algorithms.

Traversing a Graph means visiting its Vertices (or Edges) in some order. Well-known examples include breadth-first and depth-first traversal. Many common Graph applications require the ability to traverse a Graph. There are no traversal algorithms built into the Graph class per se; clients can use traversal routines in Graph_alg(3C++), or they can write their own. To support traversal, Vertex and Edge objects have member functions needed to "mark" Vertices and Edges as having been visited. Several non-member functions are provided to remove marks made at Vertex and Edge objects.

(If less than two traversals are to take place concurrently, the following discussion of "tickets" can be safely ignored.)

To permit concurrent traversals, a traversal must obtain a "ticket" allowing it to leave its unique mark on Vertices or Edges. Two kinds of tickets are provided for marking: Vis_v_tickets are used for marking Vertices; Vis_e_tickets are used for marking Edges. A mark can be viewed as a boolean value which is either non-zero (marked) or zero (unmarked). In some traversal algorithms, simple boolean marks will not suffice; an integer mark is needed, for example, to keep track of the number of times an Edge or Vertex has been visited in a particular traversal. Two analogous kinds of tickets (Val_v_tickets and Val_e_tickets) are provided for this purpose. Tickets are reusable resources that should be returned to th e available ticket pool when they are no longer needed.

class Graph

Constructors, destructor

Graph(); The empty Graph.

~Graph(); Destructor. Does not destroy Edges or Vertices belonging to this Graph (this is the client's responsibility).

Copy and assign

Graph(const Graph& g);

Graph& operator=(const Graph& g); Copying or assigning a Graph creates a Graph that shares Vertices and Edges with g.


int operator==(const Graph& g)const;

int operator!=(const Graph& g)const; Determines whether or not this Graph points to the same Vertex and Edge objects as g. Note that equality is NOT graph isomorphism.

Connectivity information

const Set_of_p<Vertex>& vertices()const;

const Set_of_p<Edge>& edges()const; Returns the set of pointers to all Vertices (Edges) of the Graph.

int contains(const Vertex* v)const;

int contains(const Edge* e)const; Returns non-zero if the Graph contains a given Vertex (Edge).

Insert and remove Vertices and Edges

The following functions return non-zero if the Graph changes as a result of the call.

int insert(Vertex* v);

int insert(Edge* e); Inserts a given Vertex (Edge) into the Graph.

int remove(const Vertex* v);

int remove(const Edge* e); Removes a given Vertex (Edge) from the Graph.

Induced Graph

Graph induced_graph(const Set_of_p<Vertex>& s)const; Returns the maximal subgraph of the Graph, all of whose Vertices are in s.

class Vertex

Constructors, destructor

Vertex(); Creates a Vertex.

~Vertex(); Destructor. The Vertex is removed from all Graphs to which it belongs and then destroyed. Edges incident on this Vertex become invalid, but are not destroyed; if such Edges belong to Graphs, they are removed. Invalid Edges must not be used in any Graph or Edge operation, although this condition is not checked for.

Copy and assign

Vertices cannot be copied or assigned.

Connectivity information

Set_of_p<Graph> graphs()const; The set of Graphs to which this Vertex belongs.

Set_of_p<Edge> edges()const; The set of all Edges (both in-Edges and out-Edges) incident upon this Vertex.

Set_of_p<Edge> edges_g(const Graph& g)const; Like edges(), except that only Edges belonging to Graph g are considered.

Set_of_p<Edge> in_edges()const;

Set_of_p<Edge> out_edges()const;

Set_of_p<Edge> loop_edges()const; The set of all in-Edges (out-Edges, loop-Edges) at this Vertex.

Set_of_p<Edge> in_edges_g(const Graph& g)const;

Set_of_p<Edge> out_edges_g(const Graph& g)const;

Set_of_p<Edge> loop_edges_g(const Graph& g)const; Like the above, except that only Edges belonging to Graph g are considered.

int in_graph(const Graph& g)const; Returns non-zero if this Vertex belongs to Graph g.

Traversal support for simple marking

static Vis_v_ticket get_vis_v_ticket(); Returns a ticket for the simple marking of Vertices.

int set_visited();

int set_visited(const Vis_v_ticket& t); Marks this Vertex, using a "default ticket" or ticket t. (The default ticket may be used for one traversal; all other traversals that may be activated concurrently need to use a ticket obtained through get_vis_v_ticket.) Returns the previous mark (where 1 signifies "marked" and 0 signifies "unmarked"), or zero if the Vertex has not been marked using this ticket.

int reset_visited();

int reset_visited(const Vis_v_ticket& t); Unmarks this Vertex using the default ticket or ticket t. Has no effect if the Vertex is not already marked by this ticket. Returns the previous value of the mark.

int visited();

int visited(const Vis_v_ticket& t); Returns non-zero if the Vertex is currently marked by the default ticket or ticket t.

static void free_vis_v_ticket(Vis_v_ticket& t); Returns t to the pool of available Vertex-marking tickets. Does not remove marks made with this ticket.

Traversal support for integer marking

static Val_v_ticket get_val_v_ticket(); Returns a ticket that may be used to mark Vertices with integer values.

int val_set(int val);

int val_set(const Val_v_ticket& t, int val); Marks this Vertex with the value val. Returns the previous value, or zero if the Vertex has not been marked using the default ticket or ticket t.

int val();

int val(const Val_v_ticket& t); Returns non-zero if the Vertex is currently marked by the default ticket or ticket t.

static void free_val_v_ticket(Val_v_ticket& t); Returns t to the pool of available Vertex-value tickets. Does not remove marks made with this ticket.

Remove Vertex marks

void reset_visited(Set_of_p<Vertex>& s); Removes visited marks at each Vertex in s using the default ticket.

void reset_visited(const Vis_v_ticket& t, Set_of_p<Vertex>& s); Removes visited marks at each Vertex in s using ticket t.

void reset_val(Set_of_p<Vertex>& s); Removes val marks at each Vertex in s using the default ticket.

void reset_val(const Val_v_ticket& t, Set_of_p<Vertex>& s); Removes val marks at each Vertex in s using ticket t.

class Edge

Constructors, destructor

Edge(Vertex* src,Vertex* dest); Creates an Edge whose source and destination Vertices are pointed to by src and dest, respectively. That is, the resulting Edge becomes an out-Edge of *src and an in-Edge of *dest.

~Edge(); Destructor. The Edge is removed from all Graphs to which it belongs and destroyed. Does not destroy the Vertices associated with the Edge.

Copy and assign

Edge(const Edge& e);

Edge& operator=(const Edge& e); Copying or assigning an Edge creates an Edge that shares Vertices with e.

Connectivity information

Vertex* src()const; Returns the Vertex which is the source of this Edge.

Vertex* dst()const; Returns the Vertex which is the destination of this Edge.

const Set_of_p<Graph>& graphs()const; Returns the set of Graphs to which this Edge belongs.

int in_graph(const Graph& g)const; Returns non-zero if this Edge belongs to Graph g.

Traversal support for simple marking

The semantics of the member functions listed in the Synopsis are the same as described for Vertices.

Traversal support for more detailed marking

The semantics of the member functions listed in the Synopsis are the same as described for Vertices.

Remove Edge marks

void reset_visited(Set_of_p<Edge>& s);

void reset_visited(const Vis_e_ticket& t, Set_of_p<Edge>& s);

void reset_val(Set_of_p<Edge>& s);

void reset_val(const Val_e_ticket& t,Set_of_p<Edge>& s); Similar to the functions described under Remove Vertex marks, except that these remove marks on Edges.

Macros needed to derive from Graph, Vertex, and Edge

We use the symbols G, V, and E for the names of classes derived from Graph, Vertex, and Edge, respectively. G must be an identifier other than Graph, V must be an identifier other than Vertex, and E must be an identifier other than Edge. Furthermore, G, V, and E may not be the names of previously-derived Graph, Vertex, and Edge classes; this restriction implies that each use of the macros creates three new derived classes. Deriving a Graph, Vertex, or Edge class requires the client programmer to first define the "extensions" to the base class (the only required extensions are the constructors for G and E) and then complete the definition by invoking either derivedGraph(G, V, E), derivedVertex(G, V, E), or derivedEdge(G, V, E), depending on the base class being extended (see the Example).

#define Graphdeclare1(G,V,E) ... This macro must be expanded exactly once in any compilation unit that derives G, V, and E, prior to the first such derivation. It makes preliminary declarations needed by the derivations.

#define derivedGraph(G,V,E) ... This macro must be expanded anywhere within the public part of class G. Class G must be publicly derived from Graph and must have a constructor.

#define derivedVertex(G,V,E) ... This macro must be expanded anywhere within the public part of class V. Class V must be publicly derived from Vertex.

#define derivedEdge(G,V,E) ... This macro must be expanded anywhere within the public part of class E. Class E must be publicly derived from Edge and must have a constructor, typically E(V*,V*).

#define Graphdeclare2(G,V,E) ... This macro must be expanded exactly once in any compilation unit that expands Graphdeclare1(G, V, E), following the derivation of G, V, and E.

class G, class V, class E

The descriptions of Graph, Vertex, and Edge, apply, mutatis mutandis, to derived classes G, V, and E, respectively. That is, G, V, and E have the same operations as their respective base classes, except that arguments and return types are G, V, and E instead of Graph, Vertex, and Edge, respectively.


Define a Graph with named Vertices and weighted Edges.

       #include <Graph.h>
       #include <String.h>
       class My_vertex : public Vertex {
           String name;
           My_vertex(const String& id):name(id){ }
       class My_edge : public Edge {
           int weight;
           My_edge(My_vertex* v1,My_vertex* v2,int w)
               :(v1,v2),weight(w){ }
       class My_graph : public Graph {
           My_graph(){ }


An Edge becomes useless when either or both of its Vertices is destroyed, and should not be passed to any Graph or Edge operation, although this condition is not checked for.


Graph_alg(3C++), Set(3C++), String(3C++)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004