Metalanguage stub generator macro
#include <udi.h>#define UDI_MEI_STUBS ( op_name, cb_type, argc, args, arg_types, arg_va_list, meta_ops_num, vec_idx )ARGUMENTS op_name is a token specifying the name of the channel operation for which to create stub functions.
cb_type is the data type of control blocks used with this operation.
argc is the number of additional arguments to the operation.
args is a comma-separated list, enclosed in parentheses, of the names of the additional arguments.
arg_types is a comma-separated list, enclosed in parentheses, of the data types of the additional arguments.
arg_va_list is a comma-separated list, enclosed in parentheses, of the "VA codes" (see UDI_VA_ARG) for the additional arguments.
meta_ops_num is the metalanguage-defined identifier for the ops vector type to which this operation belongs. (See udi_mei_ops_vec_template_t.)
vec_idx is the index into the ops vector identified by meta_ops_num that corresponds to this operation, starting from zero. (A vec_idx of zero corresponds to the udi_channel_event_ind_op_t at the beginning of every ops vector type, and is not actually used in metalanguage libraries.)
DESCRIPTION Each invocation of UDI_MEI_STUBS creates the definition of the following three functions needed to support a metalanguage-specific channel operation:
void op_name ( cb_type *cb _UDI_ARG_LIST_##argc args );static udi_mei_direct_stub_t op_name##_direct;static udi_mei_backend_stub_t op_name##_backend;references udi_mei_ops_vec_template_t, udi_channel_event_ind, udi_mei_call, udi_mei_direct_stub_t, udi_mei_backend_stub_t, UDI_VA_ARG
examples The following examples illustrate the use of UDI_MEI_STUBS.
The udi_gio_bind_ack channel operation has three extra parameters and could be implemented using the stubs macro as follows:
UDI_MEI_STUBS(udi_gio_bind_ack, udi_gio_bind_cb_t, 3, (device_size_lo, device_size_hi, status), (udi_ubit32_t, udi_ubit32_t, udi_status_t), (UDI_VA_UBIT32_T, UDI_VA_UBIT32_T, UDI_VA_STATUS_T), UDI_GIO_CLIENT_OPS_NUM, UDI_GIO_BIND_ACK)The udi_scsi_io_req channel operation has no extra parameters and could be implemented using the stubs macro as follows:
UDI_MEI_STUBS(udi_scsi_io_req, udi_scsi_io_cb_t, 0, (), (), (), UDI_SCSI_META_ID, UDI_SCSI_HD_OPS_NUM, UDI_SCSI_IO_REQ)