alpha hardware description

ALPHA, a AlphaServer ES40 833 MHz
Multiprocessing is DISABLED. Uniprocessing synchronization image loaded.

System Information:
  Page Size	= 8192
  Revision Code	= 
  Serial Number	= 12345678-001
  Default CPU Capabilities:
        System:	QUORUM RUN 
  Default Process Capabilities:
        System:	QUORUM RUN 

Primary CPU = 000

CPU 000  State: RUN
  Process Name: BATCH_552
           PID: 0005003F
        System:	PRIMARY QUORUM RUN RAD0 
  Slot Context:
     CPU     -	Type...........: Major = 13,  Minor = 1
		State..........: RC, PA, PP, CV, PV, PMV, PL
		Variation......: VAX FP, IEEE FP, Primary Eligible
		Serial Number..: AlphaVM-CPU-00
		Halt Request...: 0
		Software Comp..: 8.1
     PALCODE -	Revision Code..: 5.56-01
		Compatibility..: 0
		Max Shared CPUs: 0
		Memory  Space..: Physical = 00000000.00000000  Length = 0
		Scratch Space..: Physical = 00000000.00000000  Length = 0
        *** None ***
     AUTOSTART is enabled.
     Enabled for use as a Fastpath Preferred CPU.
  Fastpath ports assigned:
        *** None ***

              System Memory Resources on 14-MAR-2025 05:11:27.31

Physical Memory Usage (pages):     Total        Free      In Use    Modified
  Main Memory (512.00Mb)           65536       33910       30809         817

Extended File Cache  (Time of last reset: 28-DEC-2024 11:12:28.18)
    Allocated (Mbytes)           68.94    Maximum size (Mbytes)         256.00
    Free (Mbytes)                 8.77    Minimum size (Mbytes)           0.23
    In use (Mbytes)              60.17    Percentage Read I/Os              74%
    Read hit rate                   99%   Write hit rate                     0%
    Read I/O count            81929185    Write I/O count             28343547
    Read hit count            81534153    Write hit count                    0
    Reads bypassing cache           37    Writes bypassing cache             0
    Files cached open              492    Files cached closed             1641
    Vols in Full XFC mode            0    Vols in VIOC Compatible mode       3
    Vols in No Caching mode          0    Vols in Perm. No Caching mode      0

Granularity Hint Regions (pages):  Total        Free      In Use    Released  
  Execlet code region               1024           0         885         139
  Execlet data region                512           0         282         230
  S0/S1 Executive data region        551           0         551           0
  Resident image code region        1024           0         846         178

Slot Usage (slots):                Total        Free    Resident     Swapped
  Process Entry Slots                527         481          46           0
  Balance Set Slots                  525         481          44           0

Dynamic Memory Usage:              Total        Free      In Use     Largest
  Nonpaged Dynamic Memory (Mb)      6.50        0.94        5.56        0.05
  Bus Addressable Memory  (Kb)     87.93       38.81       49.12       23.93
  Paged Dynamic Memory    (Mb)      4.78        2.71        2.07        2.71
  Lock Manager Dyn Memory (Kb)   1024.00      129.25      894.75

Buffer Object Usage (pages):                  In Use        Peak
  32-bit System Space Windows (S0/S1)              0           0
  64-bit System Space Windows (S2)                 0           0
  Physical pages locked by buffer objects          0           0

Memory Reservations (pages):       Group    Reserved      In Use        Type
  Total (0 bytes reserved)                         0           0

Swap File Usage (8KB pages):                   Index        Free        Size
                                                   1        4120        4120

Paging File Usage (8KB pages):                 Index        Free        Size
                                                 254      131576      131576
  Total committed paging file usage:                                  467975

Of the physical pages in use, 6235 pages are permanently allocated to OpenVMS.

Device                  Device           Error    Volume         Free  Trans Mnt
 Name                   Status           Count     Label        Blocks Count Cnt
ALPHA$DKA0:             Mounted              0  ALPHASYS       9552631  3593   1
ALPHA$DKA100:           Online               0
ALPHA$DKA200:           Mounted              0  HOME           6239097     8   1
ALPHA$DKA300:           Mounted              0  WORK          22941222     1   1
DNFS0:                  Online               0

Active licenses on node ALPHA:

------- Product ID --------    ---- Rating ----- -- Version --
Product            Producer    Units Avail Activ Version Release    Termination
ACMS               DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
ACMS-REM           DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
ACMS-RT            DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
ACMSXP-DEV         DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
ACMSXP-RT          DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
ADA                DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
ADA-PDO            DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
ADAO-PDO           DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
ALLIN1-MAIL-DW-CLI DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
ALLIN1-MAIL-SERVER DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
ALLIN1-MAIL-SERVER DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
ALLIN1-MAIL-VT-CLI DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
ALLIN1-MAIL-VT-USE DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
ALLIN1-MAIL-WAN-SE DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
AUDIOKIT-USER      DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
AVAIL-MAN          DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
BASIC              DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
C                  DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
CMS                DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
COBOL              DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
CXX-V              DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DCE-APP-DEV        DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DCE-CDS            DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DCE-SECURITY       DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DCPS-OPEN          DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DCPS-PLUS          DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DECDCS-SRV-VA      DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DECMIGRATE         DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DECRAM             DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DECWRITE           DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DECWRITE-USER      DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DESKTOP-ACMS       DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DFG                DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DFS                DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DQS                DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DTM                DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DTR                DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DTR-UI-JAPANESE    DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DVNETEND           DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DVNETEXT           DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DVNETRTG           DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DW-MOTIF           DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DW-MOTIF-UI-CESKY  DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DW-MOTIF-UI-DEUTSC DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DW-MOTIF-UI-ESPANO DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DW-MOTIF-UI-FRANCA DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DW-MOTIF-UI-HANGUL DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DW-MOTIF-UI-HANYU  DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DW-MOTIF-UI-HANZI  DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DW-MOTIF-UI-HEBREW DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DW-MOTIF-UI-ITALIA DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DW-MOTIF-UI-JAPANE DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DW-MOTIF-UI-MAGYAR DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DW-MOTIF-UI-POLSKI DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DW-MOTIF-UI-RUSSKI DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DW-MOTIF-UI-SLOVEN DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DW-MOTIF-UI-SVENSK DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
DW-SNA-3270-TE-VMS DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
EXT-MATH-LIB       DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
EXT-MATH-LIB-RT    DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
FMS                DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
FMS-RT-UI-JAPANESE DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
FMS-UI-HANGUL      DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
FMS-UI-JAPANESE    DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
FORMS              DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
FORMS-RT           DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
FORMS-RT-UI-HANGUL DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
FORMS-RT-UI-HANYU  DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
FORTRAN            DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
GKS                DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
GKS-RT             DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
GKS-RT-UI-JAPANESE DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
GKS-UI-JAPANESE    DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
GKS3D              DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
GKS3D-RT           DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
LSE                DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
MACRO64            DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
MAILBUS-400-API    DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
MAILBUS-400-MTA    DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
MMOV-DV            DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
MMOV-RT            DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
MMS                DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
NOTES              DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
OPENVMS-ALPHA      DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
OPENVMS-ALPHA-USER DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
OPENVMS-HOBBYIST   DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
OPS5               DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
PAKGEN             DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)      (none)      
PASCAL             DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
PCA                DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
PHIGS              DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
PHIGS-RUNTIME      DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
PHIGS-RUNTIME-UI-J DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
PHIGS-UI-JAPANESE  DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
RMSJNL             DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
RTR-CL             DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
RTR-SVR            DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
SQL-DEV            DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
SSU                DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
UCX                DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
UCX-IP-CLIENT      DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
UCX-IP-NFS         DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
UCX-IP-RT          DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
VAX-VMS            DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
VAXCLUSTER         DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
VAXSET             DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
VMS-UI-JAPANESE    DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
VMSCLUSTER         DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
VOLSHAD            DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
X25                DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
X25-CLIENT         DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
X500-ADMIN-FACILIT DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 
X500-DIRECTORY-SER DEC             0  0     100    0.0  (none)       1-JAN-2050 

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