scosysv hardware description

SCO_SV scosysv 5 6.0.0 i386

System = SCO_SV
Node = scosysv
Release = 5v6.0.0
KernelID = 2008-12-09
Machine = Pent III
BusType = ISA
Serial = 3SE000152
Users = 10
OEM# = 0
Origin# = 1
NumCPU = 1

Status of processor 0 as of 03/14/25 04:43:00
  Processor has been on-line since 12/28/24 15:37:37.
  The Pentium III processor has a i387 floating point processor.
  The following conditions exist:
	Device drivers are bound to this processor.

system      OSRcompat      (pseudo) UDK Compatibility Runtime Set for SCO OpenServer
skunkware   apache2        apache2 - Apache 2.0 Web Server
skunkware   autoconf       Autoconf - GNU configuration script generator
skunkware   automake       Automake - a Makefile generator
system      base           base - OpenServer directory contents file updater
skunkware   bash           Bash - GNU Bourne Again SHell
skunkware   bison          bison - GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement)
skunkware   bzip2          Bzip2 - block-sorting file compressor/uncompressor
skunkware   cpio           GNU Cpio
skunkware   ctags          ctags - common ctags/etags editors package
skunkware   curl           Curl - Command line tool and library for client-side URL transfers
skunkware   cvs            cvs
skunkware   db             db - Berkeley database library
skunkware   diffutils      diffutils - GNU diff, diff3, sdiff, and cmp utilities
skunkware   emacs          emacs - GNU project Emacs
skunkware   expat          Expat - fast, non-validating, stream-oriented XML parsing library
skunkware   expect531      Expect - programmed dialogue with interactive programs
skunkware   fetchmail      fetchmail - remote mail retrieval and forwarding utility
skunkware   file           file - open source version of the file(1) command
skunkware   fileutils      Fileutils - GNU file management utilities
skunkware   findutils      Findutils - GNU find utilities
skunkware   gawk           Gawk - GNU awk
skunkware   gcc            GCC - GNU Compiler Collection
skunkware   gdbm           GDBM - The GNU database manager
skunkware   getline        getline-39 for UnixWare 7
skunkware   glib           glib - handy library of C utility functions
skunkware   gtk+           gtk+ - Gimp ToolKit
skunkware   gzip           gzip - GNU file compression utilities
system      ide            Generic IDE/ATAPI Driver 
system      j2jre142       J2SE Runtime Environment 1.4.2
system      j2jre150       J2SE Runtime Environment 1.5.0
skunkware   m4             m4 - macro processor
application mc             Midnight Commander - Unix file manager and shell
skunkware   mutt           Mutt - small but powerful text based mail user agent
skunkware   ncftp          NcFTP - Internet file transfer program
skunkware   ntp            NTP - the Network Time Protocol distribution
system      opnusbdi       OpenUSBDI Metalanguage
skunkware   pcre           PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expression library
skunkware   pine           Pine - Programs for Internet News and Email
skunkware   procmail       procmail - a powerful mail processing program
skunkware   psutils        Psutils - utilities for manipulating PostScript documents
skunkware   readline       GNU readline library
skunkware   rpm            RPM - the Redhat Package Manager
application rsync          incremental file transfer utility
skunkware   shutils        sh-utils - GNU Shell Utilities
skunkware   tcl820         Tcl - Tool Command Language
skunkware   tcsh           Enhanced C shell with name completion and command editing
skunkware   textutils      GNU text file processing utilities
skunkware   tk820          Tk - Tcl X11 Toolkit
skunkware   top            top - updated information about the top cpu processes
system      udi            UDI Environment #1
system      udi-brdg       Bridge Metalanguage
system      udi-gio        GIO Metalanguage
system      udi-hid        UDI Human Interface Device Metalanguage
system      udi-nic        Network Metalanguage
system      udi-scsi       SCSI Metalanguage
system      udi-tty        TTY Metalanguage
system      udiMbrdg       Bridge Metalanguage Mapper
system      udiMgio        GIO Metalanguage Mapper
system      udiMkb         UnixWare/OpenUnix Keyboard mapper
system      udiMmse        UnixWare/OpenUnix Mouse mapper
system      udiMnic        Network Metalanguage Mapper
system      udiMscsi       SCSI Metalanguage Mapper
system      udiMtty        TTY Metalanguage Mapper
system      udihidpr       USB HID Parser Library
system      urwfonts       (URW)++ Free X11 Fonts
system      usb-ehci       USB EHCI driver
system      usb-hci        USB Host Controller Interface Metalanguage
system      usb-hid        USB HID Class driver
system      usb-hub        USB Hub driver
system      usb-msto       USB Mass Storage Class driver
system      usb-ohci       USB OHCI driver
system      usb-prnt       USB Printer driver
system      usb-ser        USB Serial driver
system      usb-uhci       USB UHCI driver
system      usbd           USB Stack driver
system      usbdutil       USBD Utilities Library
system      usbprobe       USB Probe Tool driver
skunkware   vim            vim - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
skunkware   wget           wget - command-line url retriever
system      xorgurw        (URW)++ Free X11 Fonts
skunkware   zip            zip - compression and file packaging utility
system      zlib           General Purpose Data Compression Library
skunkware   zsh            The Z shell, a UNIX command interpreter

	The following software packages have been installed:

Autoconf - GNU configuration script generator
Automake - a Makefile generator
Bash - GNU Bourne Again SHell
bison - GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement)
Bzip2 - block-sorting file compressor/uncompressor
GNU Cpio
ctags - common ctags/etags editors package
Curl - Command line tool and library for client-side URL transfers
db - Berkeley database library
diffutils - GNU diff, diff3, sdiff, and cmp utilities
emacs - GNU project Emacs
Expat - fast, non-validating, stream-oriented XML parsing library
Expect - programmed dialogue with interactive programs
fetchmail - remote mail retrieval and forwarding utility
file - open source version of the file(1) command
Fileutils - GNU file management utilities
Findutils - GNU find utilities
Gawk - GNU awk
GCC - GNU Compiler Collection
GDBM - The GNU database manager
getline-39 for UnixWare 7
glib - handy library of C utility functions
gtk+ - Gimp ToolKit
gzip - GNU file compression utilities
Generic IDE/ATAPI Driver 
m4 - macro processor
Midnight Commander - Unix file manager and shell
Mutt - small but powerful text based mail user agent
NcFTP - Internet file transfer program
NTP - the Network Time Protocol distribution
PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expression library
Pine - Programs for Internet News and Email
procmail - a powerful mail processing program
Psutils - utilities for manipulating PostScript documents
GNU readline library
RPM - the Redhat Package Manager
incremental file transfer utility
sh-utils - GNU Shell Utilities
Tcl - Tool Command Language
Enhanced C shell with name completion and command editing
GNU text file processing utilities
Tk - Tcl X11 Toolkit
top - updated information about the top cpu processes
vim - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
wget - command-line url retriever
zip - compression and file packaging utility
General Purpose Data Compression Library
The Z shell, a UNIX command interpreter

/         (/dev/root        ):   892580 blocks   115156 i-nodes
/stand    (/dev/boot        ):    34596 blocks    10219 i-nodes
/home     (/dev/d00110      ): 100882716 blocks  6405009 i-nodes

Mount Dir  Filesystem           blocks   used   free %used iused ifree %iused
/          /dev/root            15450640 13665480 1785160  89% 291004 115156   72%
/stand     /dev/boot             81918  12726  69192  16%     21 10219    1%
/home      /dev/d00110          211527848 9762416 201765432   5%   9231 6405009    1%

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