tru64 hardware description

OSF1 V5.1 2650 alpha

# uerf -R -o full


EVENT CLASS                             OPERATIONAL EVENT 
OS EVENT TYPE                  300.     SYSTEM STARTUP 
SEQUENCE NUMBER                  1.
OPERATING SYSTEM                        DEC OSF/1 
OCCURRED/LOGGED ON                      Sun Dec 29 16:05:32 2013
OCCURRED ON SYSTEM                      tru64 
SYSTEM ID                 x000D0022
SYSTYPE                   x00000000
MESSAGE                                 No B-cache detected 
                                        Memory trolling not supported, cpu 
                                         _Major id 13, Minor id 1 
                                        Alpha boot: available memory from 
                                         _0x1d38000 to 0x20000000 
                                        HP Tru64 UNIX V5.1B (Rev. 2650); Thu 
                                         _Jul 25 08:30:26 WEST 2013 
                                        physical memory = 512.00 megabytes. 
                                        available memory = 482.77 megabytes. 
                                        using 1908 buffers containing 14.90 
                                         _megabytes of memory 
                                        Firmware revision: 13.0-0 
                                        PALcode: UNIX version 1.62-1 
                                        AlphaServer ES40 833 MHz 
                                        config_cpus: Could not find config 
                                         _tree entry for CPU0 
                                        pci1 (primary bus:1) at nexus 
                                        isp0 at pci1 slot 1 
                                        isp0: QLOGIC ISP1020B - Differential 
                                        isp0: Firmware revision 7.63 (loaded 
                                         _by console) 
                                        scsi0 at isp0 slot 0 rad 0 
                                        tu0: DECchip 21143: Revision: 3.0 
                                        tu0: auto negotiation capable device 
                                        tu0: no SROM info for selected media 
                                        tu0 at pci1 slot 2 
                                        tu0: DEC TULIP (10/100) Ethernet 
                                         _Interface, hardware address: 
                                        tu0: auto negotiation off: selecting 
                                         _100BaseTX (UTP) port: full duplex 
                                        pci0 (primary bus:0) at nexus 
                                        isa0 at pci0 
                                        ace0 at isa0 
                                        ace1 at isa0 
                                        lp0 at isa0 
                                        Created FRU table binary error log 
                                        kernel console: ace0 
                                        dli: configured 
                                        NetRAIN configured. 
                                        Random number generator configured. 
                                        ATM Subsystem configured with 1 
                                         _restart threads 
                                        ATMUNI: configured 
                                        ATMSIG: 3.x (module=uni3x) configured 
                                        ILMI: 3.x (module=ilmi) configured 
                                        ATM IP: configured 
                                        ATM LANE: configured. 
                                        ATM IFMP: configured 

    tty         dsk0          dsk1          cpu
 tin tout    bps    tps    bps    tps  us ni sy id
   0    0     14      1      0      0   2  0  1 96

Virtual Memory Statistics: (pagesize = 8192)
  procs      memory        pages                            intr       cpu
  r   w   u  act free wire fault  cow zero react  pin pout  in  sy  cs us sy id
  3 178  36  23K  30K 7845  277M  46M  96M   249  62M    0  13 219 320  2  1 96

Filesystem              Size        Used   Available Capacity  Mounted on
root_domain#root        384M        201M        166M    55%    /
/proc                      0           0           0   100%    /proc
usr_domain#usr           17G         11G       6133M    65%    /usr
var_domain#var         2100M        396M       1692M    19%    /var

Swap partition /dev/vol/rootdg/swapvol (default swap):
    Allocated space:        49152 pages (384MB)
    In-use space:               1 pages (  0%)
    Free space:             49151 pages ( 99%)

Swap partition /dev/disk/dsk1c:
    Allocated space:      1109725 pages (8.47GB)
    In-use space:               1 pages (  0%)
    Free space:           1109724 pages ( 99%)

Total swap allocation:
    Allocated space:      1158877 pages (8.84GB)
    Reserved space:         24540 pages (  2%)
    In-use space:               2 pages (  0%)
    Available space:      1134337 pages ( 97%)

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