ultrix hardware description

ULTRIX ultrix 4.5 0 VAX

cpu  us%  ni%  sy%  id%    csw     sys     trap    intr     ipi   ttyin   ttyout
 1   0.8  0.0  0.1 99.1    13m    100m     21m     62m      0      27     232k  
cpu      state      ipi-mask    proc    pid
 1        BR                       Y    24716

Filesystem   Total    kbytes   kbytes   %     
node         kbytes   used     free     used  Mounted on
/dev/ra0a      15551    8278    5718    59%   /
/dev/ra0g     808278  378875  348576    52%   /usr
/dev/ra2g     808278  659036   68415    91%   /usr/users

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