Warrings during database access:

Can not select database :polarfox
polarhome shell account - miros

MirOS/BSD account

IPv6: direct access miros.polarhome.com
IPv4: port-forwarded
IPv4: direct access ports are: 64000-64100

Have you ever dreamed about a real MirOS/BSD account...
Now, you are on the right way to have one and enjoy the system with other users.

Last created account is: ( CET)


Creating new template user account on miros.polarhome.com
Please note: there are differences between template and real shell accounts.
Read the policy before you create an account.
Username: - just lowercase from [a..z][0..9]
Password: - min 6 chars
Real name: - goes to finger information
Location: - country city
Security code: - type what you see

MySQL account not available on this host.

Forum account
- if checked, username_miros will be created with the same account details.
Ordinary forum registration is disabled. You will NOT BE ABLE to register with custom username in the forum.
Server hardware description.
Available development tools list.
Read the man pages online at the man interface.
Exposed documentation on the server by IPv4 or IPv6 (if supported).
Usermin, user administration interface by IPv4 or IPv6 (if supported).

IMPORTANT: In order to use the system you have to agree with:

Forgot your password? Follow instructions in FAQ.
Forgot your username? Check your information at finger
Hard to find a username? Check registered users list.

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Polarhome, production since 1999.
Member of Polarhome portal.

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