SGI Announces MIPS and IRIX End of Production

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SGI Announces MIPS and IRIX End of Production

Postby afonic » Thu Sep 07, 2006 9:24 am


"Considering the recent news regarding their dismal financial situation, it should come as no surprise that SGI announced end of production for MIPS based hardware and the IRIX operating system. From the article: "SGI launched the MIPS/IRIX family of products in 1988. Since then, this technology has powered servers, workstations, and visualization systems used extensively in Manufacturing, Media, Science, Government/Defense, and Energy. After nearly two decades of leading the world in innovation and versatility, the MIPS IRIX products will end their general availability on December 29, 2006." IRIX has always been my favored OS, and I'll be sad to see it gone. Hopefully my O2 will survive for many years to come."

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Postby zoli » Thu Sep 07, 2006 10:16 am

I´m sad to hear.
Wonder have they consider to separate the hardware from OS?

To develop and maintain a special hardware includes extremelly high costs. But software development is an another story - specially if it is open source (a la Solaris model)

Porting IRIX to Intel platform would open new perspectives.
HP did it with OpenVMS and a "passing away" product became popular again gainig tremendous profit to HP.

Do you have good contacts at SGI?
If they need a project manager to push trough the idea above - my e-mail can be found below :)
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